JKBOSE 10th Revaluation Result 2024 Annual Private Declared [Gazette PDF]

The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has announced the revaluation results for the Secondary School Examination (Class 10th) Annual Private 2024 session. Students who applied for revaluation can now access their updated results.

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How to Check the Revaluation Results 🖥️

To view your revaluation result, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the Official JKBOSE Website:
  2. Navigate to the Results Page:
    • On the homepage, look for the “Results” section or directly visit: JKBOSE Results
  3. Locate the Relevant Result Link:
    • Find the link titled “View Result of Secondary School Examination (Class 10th) – Session Annual Private 2024.”
  4. Enter Required Details:
    • You will need to provide your roll number and registration number to access your result.
  5. View and Download the Result:
    • After submitting the required details, your revaluation result will be displayed.
    • You can download and print the result for future reference.


JKBOSE 10th Revaluation Result 2024
JKBOSE 10th Revaluation Result 2024

Overview of the Revaluation Process 🔄

The revaluation process allows students to have their answer scripts rechecked for any possible evaluation errors. Here’s a brief overview:

Application SubmissionStudents submit a revaluation application along with the necessary fees within the stipulated time frame.
Rechecking of Answer ScriptsJKBOSE re-examines the answer scripts to identify any evaluation errors or omissions.
Result DeclarationPost revaluation, JKBOSE publishes the updated results on their official website.

Important Notes 📝

  • Photostat Copies of Answer Scripts: Students desirous of obtaining photostat copies of their answer scripts could apply for the same. Detailed information regarding this process was provided in the official notification.
  • Further Assistance: If students encounter any issues while accessing their results or have additional queries, they are advised to contact the JKBOSE helpline or visit their respective schools for guidance.


Q1: What is the revaluation process?

A1: The revaluation process allows students to have their answer scripts rechecked for any possible evaluation errors. Students who applied for revaluation were required to submit their applications along with the necessary fees within the stipulated time frame.

Q2: How can I obtain a photostat copy of my answer script?

A2: Students desirous of obtaining photostat copies of their answer scripts could apply for the same. Detailed information regarding this process was provided in the official notification.

Q3: What should I do if I face issues accessing my revaluation result?

A3: If students encounter any issues while accessing their results or have additional queries, they are advised to contact the JKBOSE helpline or visit their respective schools for guidance.

Q4: Where can I find the official JKBOSE notifications and updates?

A4: For the most accurate and updated information, always refer to the official JKBOSE website: https://jkbose.nic.in/

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